How to get to Bocas Del Toro from Puerto Viejo

We used Caribe as our company of choice to get us from Puerto Viejo to Bocas Del Toro via Panama border at Sixaola. Tickets were purchased from their site and cost $69 each (including return).

Shuttle arrived at our hotel in Puerto Viejo for pickup at 05:45. It took around an hour before arriving in Sixaola (town in Costa Rica bordering Panama). This is where we needed to go through customs before crossing the border. 

Cosa Rica - Panama border at Sixaola Immigration

First step was lining up at the exit tax office window and paying $9 each. 

Next up was the Costa Rican Immigration office where customs agents ask standard immigration questions and stamp your passport. 

We then literally walked into Panama for about 3-5 minutes over a bridge. 

Cosa Rica - Panama border at Sixaola

Once in Panama, we went through customs there. Standard questions and checks here too.

Another Caribe shuttle was waiting for us on the Panama side and drove us to Almirante for around an hour. From there, a water taxi took us to Isla Colon (Valencia Dock). Boat ride took around 45 minutes.

Caribe took us as far as Isla Colon and from then on, we handled transportation ourselves. The whole Caribe experience/transportation was a really seamless one and their drivers guide you through each step.

We also did the exact same process explained above but in reverse to get from Bocas Del Toro to Puerto Viejo.

Bocas del Toro

Check out our next stop in Bocas del Toro.

1 thought on “Crossing the Costa Rica – Panama border at Sixaola”

  1. Pingback: 1 week in Bocas del Toro, Panama: Isla Solarte, Isla Carenero & Isla Colon

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